Caelidh Elise Johanson
Owner of C.E.Johanson Photography
Born on a farm in Central Alberta, Caelidh was submerged in the farming & ranching lifestyle. Growing up eating dirt, climbing trees, jumping on hay bales, collecting eggs, riding horses, holding baby lambs and raising 4-H calves, there was no better life to live.
After going to art school where she used pencil and paint mediums earning herself a diploma in Visual Arts, she went to school for agriculture earning a degree in Ag. Business. During that time she found that she was missing her creative and artistic side of her personality. It always seemed as though life was too hectic for her to pull out brushes and paints. She wanted something that she could carry with her everywhere and capture what she sees in the moment. Photography seemed like the most obvious decision, and she fell into it naturally. Combining her two passions using photography to document livestock and farming. She started taking photos of her cows, friends, family and the farming operation. Before she knew it she was hired to be the photographer for the Olds College Alumni Rodeo. She fell in love with the feeling of taking, editing and delivering images that are appreciated. Images that her clients are proud to show their friends, family, and are used in marketing for their business.
When she is not behind the scenes of a photo session, you will find her working with her own cattle, spending time with friends and family, or traveling here and there. She also enjoys connecting with different people from the agriculture industry. She likes to learn about the experiences and knowledge that helped build the legacy. Every one has a story. She wants to help you tell yours.
From families and couples to self love sessions and agribusiness, her goal is to provide a high quality client experience, and deliver a timeless album of images. Images that you will feel proud to hang on the wall and use to represent your operation.